A Fast but Flourishing Finish

A Group 3     The first semester of classes at Bicol University are finished!  What a semester it was also – super busy but also full of a lot of joy watching God work.  Here are a few of the highlights of last month of the semester.

University Campus Ministry

20170914_183100_resizedThe students were the real call I felt from the Lord when I moved to Legazpi, and they continue to be a focal point of the work. Our campus ministry is called Aletheian Student Circle (ASC) and it continued with a lot of student ministry right up to the end of the semester.  Here were a few of the ongoing ministries during the last month of the semester:

Outreach Campus Bible Studies

We continued six of these this semester: 4 on the BU campus, one with th BU Senior High, and one at Pag-asa High School.  I led two of these.

20170915_183322All in all about  35 students attended.  These studies served a dual purpose of being nurture for older students, but at the same time evangelistic for those our students invited.

Besides these on-campus Bible studies, we also continued our mid-week “Life Discovery Group” each Thursday at our Student Hub/Church, where we are walking through the Old Testament book-by-book. This doubles as the mid-week study for our church, Generation Christian Fellowship.

Infinity CG

One-on-One  and Small Group Discipleship

I continued to disciple 4 guys during the end of the semester. In addition to this about 15 other students were involved in one-on-one and small group discipleship.



A Teaching

We held our final “Round-up” the last week of  the semester.

Round-ups are special events we hold on campus for whatever students from other Bible studies or Discipleship wish to attend.

It’s also a chance for ASC members to invite friends in an effort to share God’s Word with them. The focus was to worship and thank God for His faithfulness during the last semester.  It was a great way to end the semester.

A Worship team

Generation Christian Fellowship

We continued to enjoy the blessing of the Lord during that last month of the semester in a number of church activities.  Besides the regular Sunday service, we also have a number of other activities to help believers grow as well as reach out to others seeking the Lord.  A couple that God seemed to work through a lot at the end of the semester included:


Discipleship Training School (DTS)

20170813_152241We finally completed our 13 weeks of study on the “Foundations of our Faith.” This was actually one of my biggest projects for the semester, since it required me to write the curriculum.  We covered the basics of the faith.  The class was held every Sunday before the service for those of all ages in the church.  Eighteen students continued to the end in DTS.

Life Group

This is our mid-week informal ministry for young professionals.  It’s been great to see a gradual growth in this group as those already involved invite workmates and friends.  Unfortunately a few of the earlier attendees have become inconsistent due to heavy work schedules that keep them working overtime on the nights we hold the Life Groups. Yet still, God is working in some great ways among the young pros.

A LG group study

Island Ministry

Most of this last month I was in Legazpi, but I did get to visit the island and the home of one former church family from the islands this month.

A By Boat with Fernando

Standing with Pastor Fernando Coriag in front of his boat at our campsite.

Pastor Fernando and Pastor Leo are leading the three churches on the islands, but I am still involved in the radio ministry, where we broadcast with 15 watts to most of the eastern side of the province, as well as campsite oversight.


Jonathan and Shie cutting “kakawati” for organic agriculture fertilizer.

We now have a group of 7 teachers renting some of the rooms on one side of our campsite, helping generate income for maintenance during the off-season for camps.


Babeth and Amelyn preparing radio programming.

Jonathan and Shie Volante help with the admin and a lot of technical and oversight stuff there, while and Babeth and Ameyln Boneo do most of the radio ministry work.

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